Yahoo customer support helps customers by providing assistance through different communicative and self-help mediums available on its Yahoo Help Center page. At Yahoo Help Center, you will be able to find assistance through different support options. Depending on the selection of assistance option, you will be able to find assistance through phone, help articles, frequently asked questions, etc.
Type of Yahoo Support Options
There are numerous Yahoo customer support options available at Yahoo Help Center page. You can seek assistance from any of the following support options depending on the type of issue you are experiencing in your account.
If ever your Yahoo Mail account gets hacked or you forget the password of it, you can easily recover your account by following the below-mentioned steps.
NOTE: When following the instructions to reset your password, make sure that you have access to one of the account recovery options (phone number or email address) associated with your account.
NOTE: Optionally, you can click on the continue button to straight away go to your account.
NOTE: In case you do not recognize the phone number/email address shown on the screen (in Step 3), you will need to click on the “I don’t have access to this email address/phone” to get to the next account recovery option for verifying your identity.
And, this is how you will be able to recover your hacked Yahoo Mail account.
Frequently Asked Questions
Some of the frequently asked questions related to Yahoo Mail are:
No, it is not possible to get back to the classic version of Yahoo Mail as it has been discontinued completely. The Yahoo Mail versions that are now available include - Basic Mail and the Full-Featured Yahoo Mail.
Following are the POP access settings which are required for configuration on third-party email clients:
Incoming Mail (POP) Server
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server
Your login info
It can be quite difficult to find an email if you do not organize it frequently. You can easily sort emails in your Yahoo Mail account by using the 'Views' feature located on the left-hand side of your Inbox. This feature allows you to filter related emails in particular categories such as Photos, Travel, Deals, Documents, Purchases, etc. Once you are done sorting email messages, just click the 'Views' category to browse for relevant emails to read, forward, or forward them.
The password of your Yahoo mail account allows you access every Yahoo service you use. It is always recommended to update your password regularly and ensure that it is unique from other passwords you use. In case you ever forget your account password, you can change it by going to the Account info > Account Security > Change password.
When you find that your emails have been deleted or gone missing in the last 7 days, Yahoo allows you to recover them by submitting a restore request. However, when submitting a restore request, it is suggested to keep the following in mind:
Now, as you have ample information about Yahoo customer support and you know how to see assistance from Yahoo customer support, feel free to contact our experts anytime, from anywhere, for any problem.
Disclaimer : We as a third party team are offering best solution for the problems in Email account which users face many a time. One can simply consider us for enjoying the services without any trouble, the details, products and names which we have used is only for reference purpose.