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Facebook Invalid User & Password Problem 1-888-393-1373

How to Fix Invalid Username and Password Issue in Facebook?

Facebook is a great way to make new friends, stay connected with the old ones, and to share your views, feelings about anything. While it’s a great platform to stay connected with the world and has become just like an addiction to many. Considering this fact, how frustrating an avid Facebook user would become if he/she is not able to access his/her account. Getting errors such as “invalid username or password” can really mess some user’s heads. In order to help such Facebook users, we will provide step by step instructions to help them recover their account easily.

Steps to Fix Invalid Username and Password Issue in Facebook

1.) If you are not sure that whether the user id you are entering is correct, it is suggested to contact Facebook Customer Support. However, if you are sure that the user id you are entering is correct, then start by going to the Facebook log-in page.

2.) Click on the “Forgotten account” option located below the “Log In” tab. You will be asked to enter your user id (it could be your email address or phone number). Enter it and click on the “Search” tab.

3.) On the next screen, you will get three options similar to like these”

  • Use my Google account

Log into Google (if you aren’t already) to quickly reset your password.

  • Send code via email

P***[email protected]

  • Send code via SMS


4.) Choose any one of these options and click the “Continue” tab. You will receive a security code on your email/phone (according to the option you selected).

5.) On the next screen, you will need to enter the security code and click on the “Continue” tab.

6.) A new page will display where you will be asked to create a new password. So, create a strong password of at least 6 characters and click on the “Continue” tab.

7.) After you click on the “Continue” tab, a new notification window will appear. In this window, you will get two options. The first option will be “Log out of other devices” and the second option will be “Stay Logged in”. Choose any one and click on the “Continue” tab.

8.) After you click on the “Continue” tab, you will be directed to the Security page, click on “Get started” and then click on “Continue”.

9.) You will then get to a page where recent activities in your account will be displayed. Click on the “Skip” tab if you find everything to be okay. Otherwise, you can delete the activities which were not done by you.

10.) Finally, click on “Go to News Feed” (if displayed) and you are done!

In case you find trouble following the above steps or you need any further assistance related to your Facebook account, just give a call to us on our  Facebook customer care support toll-free number. Our technical engineers will help you troubleshoot the issue you are countering in your Facebook account right away. Our communication lines are available 24 hours. Also, you can drop an email or can have a live chat session with our experts.

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