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Restore Missing Emails In Hotmail Account [UPDATED]

How to Restore all My Missing Hotmail Messages?


When Outlook was introduced to replace Hotmail, the users’ accounts were automatically upgraded to the new email. Emails from the old accounts of the users were also made accessible to their new Outlook account. While most of the users didn’t experience any issue with this merging, however, some users reported the issue of missing Hotmail messages. If you would have accidentally deleted emails in your account, there is a chance that you can restore all such missing Hotmail messages, however, if you left your account unattended for long, unfortunately, you may not be able to restore all you missing Hotmail messages. To know how to recover your missing emails, go through the information provided below.

Guide to Restore Your Missing Hotmail Emails

  1. Go to the Junk Folder

If you are accessing your Hotmail account through an email application, it may mark your important messages as junk. Therefore, it is recommended to make sure that you don’t have any such important emails in the Junk folder of your account. To so, you will need to follow the steps provided below.

  • Go to your Hotmail account and open the Junk
  • If you find any of your missing emails in the folder, select it and then click Not Junk > Not Junk option to retrieve it back to the Inbox folder.
  • For Android or iOS application, you will need to tap on the Outlook icon located on the top-left corner of the screen and select the Junk option from the drop-down menu. In the Junk folder, select the email, tap on the More menu icon on the top-right, and select Not junk
  • For the mobile browser, go to the Junk email folder, tap on the email, and then on the More menu Then, select Mark as not junk option.

NOTE: It is recommended to access your Hotmail account using a Microsoft app like Outlook instead of any other email application.

  1. Check the Emails in the “Other” Tab

If you access your Hotmail account on the Android or iOS app, there are two tabs provided in it – Focused Inbox and Other tab. By default, you are most likely to be using the Focused Inbox and not Other tab. So, it is suggested to also check the Other tab and see if any of your missing emails are mistakenly moved to it. If you find any such email in the Other tab, you can restore them to the Focused Inbox by selecting Move to > Move to Focused Inbox option.

In case you are using Outlook for Android or iOS, or mobile browser, select the Other, tap on the email, select more menu icon, and then select Move to Focused Inbox option.

  1. Find Emails in the Deleted Items Folder

Sometimes the missing emails can also be in the Deleted Items folder. If you find any of your missing emails in this folder, you will need to select the message and press the Restore option to get them back to your Inbox folder. If you are using Outlook for Android, iOS, or mobile browser, go to the Deleted Items folder, select the email, tap more menu option, and select Move to folder > Inbox option. However, if you do not find the email in the Deleted Items folder,  the email might have been removed from there. In such a case, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the Deleted Items
  • Select Recover items deleted from this folder option.
  • If you find any email, select it and press the Restore


  1. Check Filter

If you are using a filter for your email list, you might not see the email in the location you are looking for. You can change the filtering options by selecting the Filter option located above the email list and click All option.

Outlook for Android, iOS, or mobile browser users can find the current filter selection located above the email list. To remove the filter selection, you will need to select it above the email list.

  1. Check Your Rules

If you would have created an Inbox tile or a Sweep rule to move certain emails to another folder, you will need to ensure that the missing emails are not getting delivered to another folder than the one you are searching in. If you find any rule incorrectly moving emails from your Inbox folder, you will need to follow these steps.

  • Go to Rules settings ( section.
  • Find the incorrectly behaving rule and select the Edit option (pen icon) to edit the rule.
  • To delete the rule, simply select the Delete option (trash icon)

If you Have Not Checked Your Hotmail Account for a Long

If you have not logged in to your Hotmail account mailbox for even a single time in one year, Microsoft closes your mailbox and removes all the emails from it. It is recommended to at least sign in to your account once in five years to keep your Microsoft account and associated service active. In case you don’t access your account during this time, Microsoft will assume your account as inactive and will terminate it.

So, these are the different ways that can help your restore all your missing Hotmail messages. You can also dial Hotmail customer service helpline number for one to one professional help

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